Conulting Timeframe 2011-2021
Development of strategic business plan, property positioning and OM for 7,000 acres Master Plan comprising 20,000 homes and 20 MM sf of commercial space. Entitlements received in July 2014.
Development of Overall Master Plan and Economic Full -Cycle Model for 7,000 acres (2012-2015)
Development of North Village Master Plan and Strategic Business Plan / Phasing (2015-2021)
Development of Economic Impact Analysis
Community Launch 2021
The Master Plan
In 2015, the Board of Commissioners approved a rezoning application and master plan for Chatham Park, which created the Chatham ParkPlanned Development District (PDD). A PDD is a type of zoning district. Its development regulations are site-specific. A PDD allows the developer more design flexibility. In exchange, the developer can create a comprehensive development that produces greater public benefit.
The Chatham Park PDD is approximately 7,100 acres in area and will include:
Up to 22,000 residential units
Up to 22,000,000 sq. ft. of non-residential development
At least 1,320 acres of open space (i.e., undeveloped land)
At least 667 acres of park land (1,320 sq. ft. of park land per dwelling)
A variety of land uses, such as dwellings, parks, open space, entertainment, and commerce
The development is divided into two main sections: North Village and South Village that are split by US 64 Business.
Additional Elements
The Chatham Park Master Plan required the developer to submit twelve Additional Elements to the Master Plan. These elements provide greater detail on various aspects of the development. The Town Board reviewed and approved the following Additional Elements between 2017 and 2021: Development Phasing, Open Space, Tree Protection, Landscaping, Stormwater Management, Parking and Loading, Signage, Lighting, Public Art, Affordable Housing, Transit, Public Facilities.
North Village - Small Area Plan
The Chatham Park Master Plan required the developer to submit twelve Additional Elements to the Master Plan. These elements provide greater detail on various aspects of the development. The Town Board reviewed and approved the following Additional Elements between 2017 and 2021: